Dear Travala. com Community,. As 2022 is coming to a close - we want to thank you for being part of this community.

27 Dec 2022, 06:02
Dear Community, As 2022 is coming to a close - we want to thank you for being part of this community. We especially want to thank the pillars of the community: the dedicated admins who always help keep the community well-informed, and creating a safe community space we can all call home: @xenzor, @ischkur, @f5tornado, @GilCN, @FrankNL and @Kris_JS We also want to give a special thanks to @Kris_JS, who will take a well-deserved sabbatical from January 1st for three months to focus more on family. We want to thank him for his unwavering dedication to the community throughout the years. Make sure you get a chance to drop him a message and say thanks before he takes leave. Thank you again for each of your unique contributions to our community. From the team at